On Perception

I was reading a perfectly lovely blog post on Olga Herman’s The Choice Driven Life – I’ve referenced it below – it is called The 3 Things You Need to Discover the Life You Were Born to Live. 

Pulling out of a VERY dark week last week, it was exactly what I needed to hear. Perhaps you’ll find some gold in it as well. It is a bold and courageous approach to illustrating what really works about a life that works.

Now, you probably already know these things, because YOU are someone who has their life together. But, me, sometimes I am a HOT MESS and it turns out that EVERY time I go about the business of making a bigger life for myself, things get EVEN messier.

My favorite quote comes from the third section on Perception. Mostly, I love this quote ‘cuz it’s just a fun thing to think about – but it also reminded me that when I’m going after the NEXT BIG thing, perhaps it’s time to look at things a little differently. I felt the overwhelm I’ve been feeling the last couple of weeks slipping away. Here’s how it goes:

“You know the story of David and Goliath. When David saw Goliath, his perception of that challenge was totally different from that of his brothers and the entire armies of Israel; they perceived Goliath as too big to kill. When David looked at him, he thought he was too big to miss. Same giant, same problem, a different perception.”

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It just tickles my funny bone and makes me giggle at how BIG and MONSTROUS I create my huge dreams and ambitions to be. Maybe my goals are simply TOO BIG TO MISS!

In fact, as I was walking my three labs today on the beach – I thought about this very thing. Often, people will pass me on the street with these three energetic, sometimes bull-headed puppies and they will say, “Wow! You look like you’ve got your hands full with THEM!” Today, I walked thinking next time I will reply “Actually, THEY’VE got their hands full with ME!” HA! A whole different experience, dontcha think?

I hope you have some fun with Olga’s insights!

Love your big challenges UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl



Didja miss me?

I have broken my promise to you for the first time in three years!

My promise it to post 5 times weekly with lovely stories or unexpected inspirations and the occasional miracle! (Certainly snarky insights about sales!)

I fell ill this week and did not even open up my laptop. As many of you know, I am working like a DOG to transition to The Irreverent Sales Girl full-time. And it took its toll this week.

This is not an excuse. Not even an explanation.

I noticed….hmmmmmm, do we make things harder than they have to be? Perhaps I am!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

Do I take care of myself like I would a $10 million race horse? No. But, here’s the trick about that point.

I feel like EVERY part of my life is a “must do”. And adding taking care of myself as a “must do” is the OPPOSITE of taking care of myself. Still, I am not taking full care of myself. Can you see what I’m saying here?

Let me add a different view. Today, my car is in the shop. I know what it needs. Premium gas, an extended warranty, regular check ups, cleaned and pampered. Geez, I won’t even let anyone EAT in my car. My cars are ALWAYS in excellent condition. I have a savings account for that car’s service and a plan for the next one. It is ALWAYS handled.

Yet, it is EASY for me to take care of my car like this. I hardly even think about it. It is just something I DO!

So, what about me? Why not the same level of care? I would NEVER allow my car to run on sub-par gasoline at under a quarter of a tank – FOR SURE never under 1/8 of a tank. But, I let MYSELF run on fumes with not enough water and (many times) sub-par “fuel”.

I am in a quandary. What are some things that YOU do to take care of yourself – that are easy and obvious to you? I wonder if I could have some fun with this! Hmmm….Tell me. Is taking care of yourself a “MUST” do…or a self-expression! I need some clues.

Love your body UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl