Three years ago, I lost a GIANT deal to a competitor. It was a bummer.
One year later, they came back-a-callin’. I was elated. I won the business this time.
My company went to work. Hard work. As soon as this lovely GIANT client signed on, one of their top executives decided they wish they’d stayed with the old supplier (not us). This executive has never seen our stuff (or the other supplier’s either).
We have done an AWESOME job for this client in the last year-and-a-half. We have exceeded ALL of their very aggressive goals. We have bent over backwards for them. We have even lost money on them, to make sure they are happy and to prove that we are the AWESOME-est!
Now, this GIANT company is going into a re-evaluation process and want us to participate in a long drawn out Re-Audition. Against the old competitor.
Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/
Sound like your prom nightmare?
Hottest boy in school is deciding between you and the other girl to ask to prom. He asks the other girl, but they start fighting and generally not getting along. So, they break up and he comes calling on YOU!
You are elated. You won! You do everything for this guy that you can imagine to make him delighted with his pick. But, the old girlfriend is still hanging around and you can’t seem to shake her.
So, a week before the prom, he decides to pit the two of you against each other in a contest to see who is the best bet.
You REALLY like this guy. What do you do?
Do you play?
I’m thinking NO!
Look, this company knows what we do, how we do it, and that we are AWESOME. We have auditioned already.
It’s time to say “Good-BYE to you!”
HONOR your employees, their Hard Work, and your Product
Don’t keep fighting and fighting. Let your COMPETITION try to make them happy.
Prom dilemma solved!
Go with the guy who gets it! Hard to do? Sure. Do it anyway.
Love your value UP!
The Irreverent Sales Girl