Kill Bill

Over the weekend, I watched Kill Bill vol 1 and vol 2:

Here’s what I noticed…..

Quentin Tarantino’s perfect amplification of his childhood love is PRESENT! He studied! I’m talking about Kung Fu (btw).

Are you willing to be an EXPERT? With that level of EXCELLENCE? Do you have ANY idea what that will take?

The second thing I noticed was …. “If you Live by the sword, you die by the sword” ….and if you don’t die by it, you have to deal with that you are a killer.

Choose your weapons and your mentors well.

The final thing I noticed is the PERFECTION OF THE CRAFT!!! Who do you follow? Are they worthy of your craft? Are you willing to be worthy of your craft?

BE worthy of the work of your life.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love your craft up! Be worthy of sales and make your sales worthy of your life.

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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One thought on “Kill Bill”

  1. Bizarre movie, but you took the right stuff out of it, in my opinion.

    In my day, I audiotaped and videotaped myself, asking key questions, using prospecting approaches, making presentations and resolving common concerns. I rehearsed and role played constantly, so I wasn’t “practicing” on my customers. Maybe it was my music education at work, but it just made sense to me and really helped me a lot.

    I’m not saying that people still don’t do this, but I don’t seem to hear about it as much. Do you?

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