If the cup isn’t empty – you simply can’t get anything in

I was in a BIG and very important (to our company) meeting today.

About 20 minutes into the meeting, the woman I was talking to checked her phone, rolled her eyes, sighed in disgust and said – “My neighbor!”

I was in the middle of setting up the conversation we were about to have about how to work together.

I stopped.

I asked her what was happening. She started the story. She has been battling her neighbor for years – is even considering moving to a new home to be away from this person.

I kept asking friendly questions until it was all out……all that SHE wanted to say. Then, she was calm and re-focused.

If I’d let that moment go – she would have only had her attention 20% with me.

As it was, we’re moving forward!!!!!

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Be alert! What do THEY have their focus on? Unlikely it’s you for very long at any given time. I’m just sayin’

If they’ve got something on their mind – your message won’t get through!

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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