Your personal mission!

What if you judged EACH and EVERY action you took today against your personal mission in life?

How would you go about getting to work on time? Dealing with your customers?

Would you have THAT conversation with your boss? Would you play that many games on your computer?

What do you want to leave behind?

Here’s who I tip my hat to – among many others. I believe that Vidette V lives nearly every action inside of her mission to help moms leave the corporate world and create their VERY OWN epic revolution.

I believe that T.Harv Eker spends every action based on if it forwards what he REALLY wants – wealth and abundance for ALL.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If YOU were living your personal mission and EVERY ACTION you took was a match for achieving it….how FUN would your day be? What would you add in? What would you take out?

Be a MONSTER for your mission (Maybe you need to create one first – DO THIS).

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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