What if it is just THAT EASY…?

Ever notice how you have things in your life that came easily to you? Maybe you have a fabulous job. Maybe you have a great car. A magnificent relationship with the love of your life.  Not that it didn’t take work and focus, but it is something that is obvious that you have. And it’s likely something that other people WISH they had.

Now look at the things that you want badly badly badly …. but it seems too HARD to get. But, OTHER people have that thing, and for them, it’s been obvious and easy!

My point? Maybe you’re making it HARD. Hmmmm… What if you could change up your mindset? The focus and intention and right work could become obvious to you.

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It is in the nature of barriers that they fall. (Thanks, Quentin Crisp!)

I invite you to go help those barriers in your life meet their true nature sooner rather than later!

Love your desires UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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