The song says “Breaking up is hard to do!” And, it certainly can be.

But, here is how breaking up will free you up!
A very dear friend of mine. A tippy-top producer who has earned a penthouse overlooking one of the most famous (and expensive) avenues in America, shared this recent story with me.
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Her pipeline has been a teensy bit stagnant of late. So, she took a BOLD ACTION. She carefully crafted a gracious break-up script and shared it with her prospects who were just not getting back to her.
Generously, she has agreed to let me share her message and her results. Here is the message she left for her prospects with whom she had met, but received no activity:
This is Gretchen Greene (name made up).
I’ve reached out a couple of times with no response and I wanted to let you know this will be my last follow up call.
It was such a pleasure to meet you and to get to know your business and your family.
I wish you the best of luck!
If anything has changed, you can reach me at 555-5555.”
Guess what happened!
#1 Compelling Reason to Break UP
50 % of her prospects called her back and told her why they hadn’t moved forward and when they would move forward.
#2 Compelling Reason to Break UP
They were now off her mind. No longer bugging her brain and shaking her confidence
#3 Compelling Reason to Break UP
It’s clean. Deal is done. It is graceful and she can move on to others who WILL buy from her.
We are all tempted to hang on to things that might have been. Consider, though, that the “might have been’s” are never happening and they are adding dead weight to your pipeline, your enthusiasm, and your success.
Breathe a fresh gulp of air! Go get the new stuff. Value your time. Be gracious.
And, most of all…
The Irreverent Sales Girl