Category Archives: Dignity

Bringing a dash of dignity to selling

Don’t wait….the time is now!

That thing you’ve been waiting to do…..

that person you’ve been hoping to reach (yes, the BiG ONE)

Do it NOW!!!

Your destiny awaits. You WILL be surprised. I promise. Reach out to them. No matter what it takes!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

You are bigger than you know. Take a risk today . Contact someone who seems out of your reach. What have you got to lose?

Love FAILURE up! (Hint: It’s the fastest way to WILD SUCCESS)

The Irreverent Sales Girl

My 92-year old grandmother

I was spending time with my 92-year-old grandmother for a long Easter weekend.

Her memory is HORRIBLE. She often asks the same question that she just asked 15 minutes ago.

She rarely remembers me, even though we were close when I was growing up.

BUT, here’s the amazing thing! So many people in her condition are FREAKED OUT and sometimes ANGRY, too.

She is not. She spent her whole life trusting that life turns out just right, grateful for everything she had, and delighted to meet new people.

Of course, her loss of memory is frustrating to her sometimes. But, mostly she laughs when she catches herself.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

She tells me how nice it is to finally meet me and how much she wishes we could get to know each other better. She searches for four-leaf clovers (and FINDS THEM).

She trained herself to trust and now it’s a habit. It’s lovely.

Love your life up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Sometimes it just hurts

If you’re going for something important…

Sometimes it looks like it just won’t ever happen..THIS is the time when YOU get to say who YOU are….

It may bring you to your knees…..Sob in your sleep….Test every fiber of your body.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

You WILL get the next break. The clouds will part at the right time.

Keep your faith … it’s what sets you apart.

And NEVER stop!

Love the process up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If the cup isn’t empty – you simply can’t get anything in

I was in a BIG and very important (to our company) meeting today.

About 20 minutes into the meeting, the woman I was talking to checked her phone, rolled her eyes, sighed in disgust and said – “My neighbor!”

I was in the middle of setting up the conversation we were about to have about how to work together.

I stopped.

I asked her what was happening. She started the story. She has been battling her neighbor for years – is even considering moving to a new home to be away from this person.

I kept asking friendly questions until it was all out……all that SHE wanted to say. Then, she was calm and re-focused.

If I’d let that moment go – she would have only had her attention 20% with me.

As it was, we’re moving forward!!!!!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Be alert! What do THEY have their focus on? Unlikely it’s you for very long at any given time. I’m just sayin’

If they’ve got something on their mind – your message won’t get through!

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When my ceiling became my floor….

I just realized the other day that I have been RELIABLE for making the same EXACT amount of money for 10 years straight!

It’s a good amount.

And then I got an opportunity to double it.

Immediately, my ceiling became my floor.

New opportunities opened up! Lucrative opportunities all over the place.

I want to help YOU get to the income you want. For REALS. I have been making a GOOD living for years now. I have been working for years to distill what got me to that level.

I’m not making any offers right today, but I am building WILDLY sparkly ways for you to learn what I know. I will always offer my blog for free and I want you to continue to love them. I will build even more free things that will add real value to your life. My promise.

But, I want you to start looking….if you could have a six figure income every year – reliably (I realize that many of you are above this) and you could do it with the dignity, fun, and passion that you get every time you come to The Irreverent Sales Girl – I am going to invite you to deepen our relationship – so that I can be the cartoon character who actually stands for YOU personally. And you won’t pay for ANYTHING unless you get the result you wanted.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I’m reliable. You will be, too!

Coming soon to a theater near you!

I can’t wait to know you better and love you up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Even better than Location Location Location

Focus Focus Focus

I met an extraordinary man. His name is Jonny Imerman. He founded Imerman Angels – his organization connects a cancer survivor with a cancer patient who is the same age, gender, and has the same cancer that the other survived.

That’s all his organization does. If a person has cancer, they can go to Imerman Angels and be connected with someone who is their own age, their same gender, and has survived the exact same cancer that they have now.

It is an UNBELIEVABLY powerful program! Can you imagine having a buddy who has gone through the EXACT same stuff that you are now dealing with and can talk you through all of it – especially when you are scared out of your wits? If you’re a guy in your 20’s, you’re talking to a guy in HIS 20’s who survived your diagnosis. If you’re an older woman, you’re connected with an older woman. BRILLIANT!!!

He has a network of thousands of survivors across the world. He is completely sponsor supported and has never asked for money or a grant. He has a small staff and, from what I can tell, they are sustainable.

Know why?

Because he ONLY does ONE thing. He partners with American Cancer, Livestrong, and the others – so he can connect people to organizations that provide other services to cancer patients.

But, Imerman Angels ONLY DOES ONE THING! Connect cancer patients with cancer survivors and caregivers.  And he does it well.

Did you notice how I could tell the whole story in a very short period of time – and you can fully get it?

Do you have this kind of focus? Are you laser clear with what you provide and what you offer? If you are, then location location location becomes obvious and falls right into place.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If not, I dare you to narrow your focus. You can never go wrong if it’s aligned with who you REALLY are. So, who are you REALLY? Now, challenge yourself to FOCUS!!!

Most never do.

Love your purpose up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Patience, grasshopper!

Just when I think nothing is going to happen, I’m not getting any calls back. My WHOLE PIPELINE has gone dark, one unexpected day….it all breaks open.

Opportunities start flowing in like crazy, deals start closing.

But, it’s only because I keep “plodding along”. Caring about each and every deal. Doing the work all-the-way-through. Keeping on my activity plan.

Sales can go from molasses to lava. One minute as slow and cold as you can imagine, the next “HOLY COW, It’s GOING SO FAST!!!”

When I trust the process more than that crazy voice in my head, it all works out. I keep my intention on closing my quota and being #1. No matter what. It all goes that way.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I salute the #1’ers! I know what it takes. From the outside, it looks like luck always comes our way. HA! That’s not how it feels, is it?

So, if you’re gunning for #1, and you worry about how you’re feeling about it. Take heart. Just keep doing the work!

Love ’em up until it breaks your heart! Your heart will be mended over and over again and filled with joy!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Not sure whether to laugh or cry

Reading this article about the six Jedi tricks that salespeople use to hoodwink you, I found myself in a quandary. Can I post this? Should I? (Please forgive the occasional profanity – not really my style).

Well, it’s clear to me that salespeople still aren’t a very trusted bunch!

Interestingly enough, I didn’t know these techniques even existed. Maybe it’s not true that all sales professionals have thought this stuff through. Maybe it is. Probably about 1% of salespeople are and just giving the rest of us a bad name!

But, buyers can take some responsibility, too! If you learn what triggers you to make decisions that aren’t consistent with your values, your needs, your budget or your research…….you, too, can bring a dash of dignity to the art of selling.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Buyers be smart!

Sellers – knock it off!  Provide real value. The rest will take care of itself.

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Greg Smith’s communication wins….

Greg Smith’s Communication regarding his departure from Goldman Sachs receives an official

Irreverent Sales Girl Award of Merit

Whether or not he is naive. Whether or not he is even telling the whole truth. This communication is worthy of a person who is willing to bring a dash of dignity to the art of selling.

This is a great story to read.

Congratualtions, Greg! You are the first recipient of this coveted award!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The Irreverent Sales Girl

STOP doing this NOW!!!

A good friend of mine walked into the car dealership the other day… can smell where this is going already, right?

With her, she had (1) her car (in impeccable condition), (2) a desire for a new car, (3) pink slips, and (4) cash in hand. What salesperson doesn’t LOVE that scenario?

When she sat down with her sales guy she asked what the price was that they were willing to accept for the new car, taking into account her trade.

The deal the sales guy offered was twice what she was willing to pay (of course, she’d done her homework on both her car and the new model).

She said, “That is completely out of the ballpark for what I am willing to pay.”

He said it was the best he could do.

She said, “Thank you.” And walked to her car.

You know the next part, right?

Right! He followed her to her car and revealed that he had made a mistake about the trade-in value of her car. He didn’t realize it was the superior edition, he thought it was the base model. In fact, he could do a couple thousand better.

Well, this was just a flat-out lie. She was sitting with the salesperson when he pulled up her VIN number with all the details about her car. When she pointed that out, he claimed the VIN number doesn’t give that information (but indeed it does).

His offer still wasn’t close. And now she was FURIOUS! The story gets worse, but – sadly – it’s one we all know! We EXPECT this at a dealership. We EXPECT this from salespeople.

So, here’s the thing….STOP behaving this way. If you are in sales, I don’t care what it takes, leave your job, bring dignity and honesty and take a risk in the job you currently have, do SOMETHING NEW. If you are playing games with your customers, you MUST STOP NOW.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If you’re not careful, sales is going to get a bad reputation! (*wink*)

Truth is. You make WAY more money on the truth. This guy could have been courteous. Even asked her what her number was. Then, told her straight if they could do that or not. Then he could say straight what he was willing to do.

Salespeople feel frustrated that buyers come in with a number that doesn’t leave them room for a profit.

I promise you two things. First, buyers do this because they have been treated badly for decades. (Also, not all buyers do this). Second, if you’re straight with people and get them what they want, you WILL make money and your customers will send EVERYONE to you. Slam dunk city!

I’m just sayin’,

The Irreverent Sales Girl