Tag Archives: no problem

The power of “No Problem”

I was in the audience of greatness.The power of "No Problem"

The woman who was mentoring me was letting me listen in on her calls…

Every time an obstacle came up, Reliably, she said “No Problem”…

It immediately put her buyer (and me) at ease!

Try the magic of “No problem” and see what happens!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

It gives you three things!

1) Time to breathe and re-assess – puts YOU in control

2) Grace to your buyer when sellers are putting on the pressure

3) Partnership – you are on their side and making them feel important!

So, NO PROBLEM. Period. (Even when it might seem there is a problem from the start)

Love ’em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl