I had a crazy pricing conversation a couple of weeks ago – a real nail-biter!
I have been selling to a Fortune 500 company. On a larger deal than I have closed in quite some time.
We were in legal, negotiating the contract.
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They had seen our price list. They had picked their products, we had an order form.
Then, came the price conversation. They asked for a separate conversation to “iron out the details of the order form.”
Sure, no problem.
We get on the phone and they start laying out their problem. They think our service is awesome and they cannot wait to get started, but they absolutely MUST start the program as a PILOT and ramp up into an Enterprise solution.
So, the way they had figured it, the first year should cost about 25% of our quoted price. Then, they could ramp up to full capacity.
They complained that if they couldn’t get this 75% discount, the person running point on the project would probably lose his job because the executives were counting on him to get the right deal at the appropriate price.