Tag Archives: sorry

You’re NOT sorry!

Dangerously close to losing an important account, I received a call from a business owner that I know. He was very worried that he and his client had a mis-communication and that he was now going to lose the account AND not get paid for the work his company had already performed.

I admired the way my friend was willing to take responsibility for the breakdown in communication, but something was amiss. As I listened, I heard something beyond taking responsibility and it was moving him into desperation. He was saying that he was SORRY for the disconnect with his client. And he was BEING sorry.

When we got that pointed out, he went on to have a stellar meeting with his client, a powerful conversation – as if the disconnect had never happened and his client gave him more work!

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Look, you may be in the wrong about something. I urge you to apologize and make it right. But, don’t be sorry. You aren’t a sorry person. Unless you say so. Work to take this out of your vocabulary.

(Hint: Use “I apologize” and remove “I’m sorry”)

Be straight about what’s so with your peeps! Work to get disconnects resolved. Be clear that you are amazing – and you will be amazing!

Love yourself UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl