Tag Archives: systems

The great salesperson: Admin vs. Action

Great salespeople vs. Good salespeopleTo be truly great as a salesperson, we must think like a policeman.


But, the lasting power lies in the ADMIN (paperwork)!

Here is one place where great salespeople are greater than good salespeople.


They record their interactions They are organized They keep their records diligently – including expense reports.

Their systems allow them to be RESPONSIVE.


Relationships and being on top of as many interactions as possible is KEY!

GOOD SALESPEOPLE have their activity plan in place and are great with people

GREAT SALESPEOPLE have THAT and impeccable systems

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

What can YOU do to improve your systems to make you GREAT?

Love your business UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Guard your systems like your success depends on it!

Guard your systems like your success depends on it! Because it does!

The story of how a broken vacuum cleaner single-handedly wrecked my garage

Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? But it’s the solid gold truth.

I worked for days, slaved really to get my garage in pristine order – so that we could park both cars within the warm caverns during the bracing cold and ice of the winter-time.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

There was a place for everything and everything in it’s place

The system 

Every single-dingle time I took something from the garage, I replaced it EXACTLY where it belonged. Every single-dingle time I put something new into the garage, I found a new place for it to go that was orderly and obvious.

IT WAS WORKING. Both cars hummed smoothly and efficiently into the garage. We could find anything we wanted at a moment’s notice.

Then, the Vacuum! 

In a hurry one day, I was cleaning out a closet and found our vacuum cleaner that hadn’t worked in years. I wasn’t sure if I was going to toss it, donate it, or get it fixed. So, what did I do?

You may have guessed. I put it in the garage! Just set it there, right in the middle.


The garage suddenly became the old and cluttered place it had become. Seemed like it happened overnight.

One car squeezes into our garage now and it is a monumental effort to find anything. The vacuum is gone, but the legacy it left behind remains.

A System is Powerful, but it is also FRAGILE

The vacuum cleaner debacle is EXACTLY how our lives work.

If you are Stephen King, you keep your system. You sit down and write your appropriated words every single-dingle day. It is the difference between being someone whose tomes occupy an entire section of my book shelf and being, well, whatever else he would have been.

It is the difference between an Olympic Athlete and a  Weekend Warrior.

Wanna be great? Wanna meet your goals? Put a system in place and guard it like everything depends on it. It does. One slip and it can be a monumental effort to restore the discipline and the results. No slip equals monumental results.

Love your systems UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl