An all-time favorite tip to being wildly successful in sales – on the phone – is “Sell to the Mirror”.

When you are selling to a mirror, you sound like an actual human being – because you are relating to the person in the mirror as another human being.
You can see when you’re smiling – which comes through on the phone.
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You can see when you’re sitting or standing (prefer standing) in a confident manner – which comes through on the phone.
You can relax and be yourself – instead of all stiff and weird – and that comes through on the phone!
I urge you to get a full-length mirror (if you have an office set up for that) – or at least a small one on your desk. You will see gi-normous results!
And, if you happen to be in a setting where you are selling on an open floor – and this just doesn’t work for your office environment – print out the article below and take it to your manager!
When you sell into the mirror, it is much easier to Love ’em ALL UP! (Which comes through on the phone).
Now you can be the greatest salesperson of them all!
The Irreverent Sales Girl