Worried about being aggressive? The opposite is just as bad!


I was talking with a business owner friend, Bob, the other day. He’d recently made the decision to NOT do business with a company he was considering.

That’s not so uncommon.

What was interesting was the REASON Bob wasn’t going to become a client.

Here’s how it played out:

This company had something Bob needed.

Bob attended a webinar to learn more and kick the tires. He really liked what he saw.

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Next, a salesperson called to follow up and see if he’d gotten value from the webinar. He had!

Then, the salesperson said he would send Bob some more information and if he ever needed anything, he should just call them up!

And, then they hung up.

And, Bob was left hanging… 

…he felt a bit lost about what they should do next. And then he realized, if this is a company that doesn’t even know how to ask for the deal, how are they running their other business operations?

He was also pretty annoyed that this company had wasted so much of his time in an effort to bring him value.


This salesperson had Bob’s attention, he had his interest, he was a qualified buyer. But, he just couldn’t ask for the deal – and Bob lost faith in the company’s ability to do business.

What a waste!

People love to be led in the sale, and they love to be asked. If you suggest a route they should take, and they don’t want to take it, no problem. At least you have demonstrated that you are serious about doing business. And business-people want to do business with people who are serious about doing business!

Go out, ask for the business, and…

Love ‘em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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