Listen to Shawn and I talk about how to get more at-bats in sales and improve your opportunities for revenue!
All posts by The Irreverent Sales Girl
Announcing the Solid Six Blueprint: Go From 5 to 6 Figures in Sales!
To celebrate National Tax Day (yesterday), I have a very special gift for you!
But, first, a fun fact…
Q: Do you know what the average salesperson in the United States earns?
A: It depends on your sources, but most say that it is just about $62,500.
Now, that’s not a bad living, but I’m here to tell you that there is so much more available in the wonderful world of sales than $62,500.
So, I wrote this eBook just for you (because YOU are anything but average!).
Want to Go from 5 to 6 Figures in Sales? Get your FREE eBook!
It’s called The Solid Six Blueprint. And, it contains the illustrations of the SIX elements you need to master to move to a Solid Six in Sales.
The Magic of Six
I’ll never forget the day I crossed the threshold into a Six-figure income.
Continue reading Announcing the Solid Six Blueprint: Go From 5 to 6 Figures in Sales!
047: Accurate Sales Forecasting with Michael Maynes
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Check out this episode of the SellOout Show!
Can You Predict How Much You’ll Make This Year?
If you want to go from 5 – 6 Figures in sales, FOR REALS, you need to be able to predict how much business you are going to close in the year.
Most of us feel like sales are random. There are the deals

you’re SURE are going close – but they just never seem to get done. And then, there are those deals that come flying in from out-of-the-blue and close – that you just never expected.
No wonder it’s so uncomfortable when you’re meeting with your Sales Manager – trying to tell them the truth about how your sales are going and what they can expect for you to close.
I’ve got good news for you. There are ACTUAL ways to predict how your year is going to go!
WATCH: VP of Sales, Michael Maynes, break it down on The SellOut Show here.
The First Step is to “Know Your Stages”
Yes. this means you are going to develop a brand new relationship with your CRM, or your pipeline, or your funnel. (Sorry – it’s the thing every average seller hates the most – but the top 1%-ers live and die by it!)
Flip Your Perception About the Stages
Continue reading Can You Predict How Much You’ll Make This Year?
042: Sales Onboarding – Get Ramped FAST!
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Check out this episode of the SellOout Show!
041: Pre Call Planning
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Check out this episode of the SellOout Show!
040: Beat Your Sales Slump!
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Check out this episode of the SellOout Show!
039: Embarrassing Sales Moments
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Check out this episode of the SellOout Show!
038: You are NOT a One Stop Shop
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Check out this episode of the SellOout Show!
037: Calling Your Prospects Bluff
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Check out this episode of the SellOout Show!