All posts by The Irreverent Sales Girl

When it’s time to get things moving, it’s time to get on the road!

I hate traveling. Maybe you do, too.

But, the fact remains that if you want to pour gasoline on the embers of your business – get in your car – hop a plane. Get in FRONT of as many people as you can.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a trip is worth a million! THEN PACK YOUR CALENDAR – anything less then four meetings a day is weeny!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ‘em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Don’t be afraid to be creative with your customers!

So, I find myself in a competitive bid situation with a Request For Proposal on the table.

These always seem so formal and cold.

Don’t be afraid to show who you really are and what sets you apart in these situations. Use confident, industry-specific language, but use your own words. Don’t  be afraid to add some sentences that put your best foot forward – even if you weren’t specifically asked.

Breathe…… can still be your best!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

People like to have someone keep their attention – read Jerry Spence’s How to Argue and Win Every Time – it’s an awesome primer on how to always tell your best story – and win!

Love ‘em up – even on paper!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

On being sick….

Every now and then, your body says …..STOP!!!!!


Here’s what I’ve learned…….it’s better to take days off and enjoy them (you will know when to do this – if you’re tuned in)

Consider that germs are always around you….

You are only vulnerable to them when you aren’t in your zone! It kinda makes sense when you think about it!

So, trust your days on the couch….and trust your days in the boardroom. You are designed for success.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love it up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Set a goal that is a S-T-R-E-T-C-H (but a can-do) —- then give it your ALL!!!!

This year, my goal is to buy a new car with cash.

Now, I get to go research the car, build the perfect model online, print a picture of it, put my picture in the driver’s seat, put a special savings account together and, vrrrrrrroooooooommmmmmm!!!! I’m MOTIVATED to get my goal.

Can’t wait to post a picture of the new ride!

What’s your goal? Love it up!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The quote to sum it all up for the week….

In honor of a very good friend of mine who made the hard – but the RIGHT – decision this week. (You KNOW who you are!)

“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.” – Hardy D. Jackson


Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Today I’m blacking out in support of the people who oppose SOPA and PIPA

Today I’m blacking out in support of the people who oppose SOPA and PIPA…. Anyone who cares to have a free voice on the Internet would consider doing the same. Check out Wikipedia or click on the Black Google header for more information!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I’m just sayin’


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Always be closing? Sure, but the key to that is …..Always Be Learning!

What professional and personal development budget have you put aside for yourself this year? Brian Tracy recommends at least 3% of your income be spent on learning.

Learning about business, learning about sales, learning about personal development.

All of it gives you an edge!!!

So, what’s your plan for the year?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Different from tired…..All used up for a Glorious Purpose!

There is a quote out there, the worthwhile nature of being used for and by something bigger than us. I’m sure there is, but tonight, I’m too exhausted to find it (wink). I’ve been used up this weekend for a glorious purpose. One that had nothing to do with me. What a ride!

I suggest you try it sometime!

Nothing like it!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The Irreverent Sales Girl