Category Archives: Winning

Getting an edge on your competition

OK… the gloves are off and you might not want to hear this

Ever heard the saying “It takes two to tango?”

It’s not JUST salespeople that need to add a dash of dignity to the art of selling. It is AlSO the buyers!

I got an emai from a procurement guy today saying that they NORMALLY ask for a “lowest and best price” from the key contenders at this point of the sale……BUT if I’m willing to give them a FIFTY PERCENT DISCOUNT on the price I quoted them, they’d be happy to ignore other vendors.


Immediately, I contacted by business owner in the company. I asked them straight up…where did this person get misinformation about our pricing structure – it was nowhere near what we had discussed.

She responded….. “this is standard operating procedure. Just reply with what your price is. We look forward to working with you! ”

DON’T do this…if you are a BUYER….DON’T do this. It EQUALLY diminishes the art of selling.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I invite you to be a gracious and AUTHENTIC buyer. I promise you that you will get the best deals EVER imagined if you act in good faith and authentic communication.

I’m just sayin’…..procurement people, you want to be the BEST at your job, give a good listen to this, you might be surprised!

Love buyers up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Wanna be rich????

Then, do this….

Frankly, if you are a person who creates opportunites for OTHERS, your path is assured. Ooooops! Not a get-rich-quick-scheme! A get rich scheme, none-the-less. Just depends on how fast you can create value for others!

I’m just sayin’,

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Are you THAT smart, really?

Today, I invite you to listen to the opinions of someone you REALLY DON’T LIKE.

If you’re BOLD, you will ask them to coach you! HA!!!!

If you want to be REALLY great, you will learn other perspectives…..incorporate them as if they’re you’re own. Then, you will have access to REAL success because you can be in ANYONE’S world!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

THEN, you can take a real stand!

Love it all up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Wanna know how to always get the attention you want?

It used to be that all you needed to bring was enthusiasm and persistence.

Now, people require REAL value if you want a shot with them.

If every time you interact with ANYONE, you bring value to THEM….they will always take your calls, they will always return your emails, they will always care.

It’s tricky, though, are you the kind of person who has developed yourself to get over in THEIR world?

Do you know how to reach them in the way THEY like to be reached? (voice mail, text, email, phone call, personal visit)……People have preferences and today, they get to exercise those preferences better than ever!!!!

Find out what people WANT!!! (A really great way is often to ASK – most people never ask).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


FREE BONUS: One thing is for certain. People like to LOOK GOOD! If you can make them feel and look like a rockstar — you are forever successful. The more people you make people feel good and look good, the more you will do well. Period.

Love people up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

What does your article say?

Many years ago, Anne Mulcahy was the new CEO of Xerox. Xerox was in BIG trouble. Morale was in the gutter. The situation looked pretty hopeless.

Until Ms. Mulcahy sat down and wrote a Wall Street Journal article – chronicling the amazing recovery of Xerox and exactly how it happened. Then, she dated it in the future!

She circulated this article throughout EVERY level of the company and socialized the success over and over and over again.

And guess what!!!! It happened. Everyone got behind the declaration of future success and LIVED INTO THAT FUTURE!!!

So, what does YOUR article say?  Have you taken time to sit down and create a future for yourself? Are you willing to share your article with everyone involved and affected?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

It’s bold! And effective!

Write your future up!


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Listen closely…this applies to YOU!

What you STAND for HAS to come first….the rest will follow.

Like Oz with his Dragon Cookies and his Excel Wizardry.

Like Kelly Hull with her legal expertise and her commitment to well-being.

Like Nicolle Hamilton and her commitment to curing cancer.

Like Mike Kunkle and his bringing REAL data to what drives sales results.

Like Beth Pfeffer overcoming serious physical ailment to guide the success of those who are broken down by physical limitations.

Like Desiree Adaway who has cracked the code for nonprofits to excel and make the most of for profit and heart-driven partners.

And many more of you — too many to mention.

If you are struggling in your success….look……is your STAND first? Or are you trying to sell something on top of something else (like you need to do your “job”)?

I live to EMPOWER salespeople (and I love having the rest of you as my community). That’s why I remain a cartoon character. There is no one to compare yourself to and come up lacking. I’m a fiction. I’m a muse. You can have your own muse.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

What do you STAND for? Go be THAT every day and the rest is cookies (right, Oz?) The path opens up in front of you!!!!

Love yourself up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Don’t wait….the time is now!

That thing you’ve been waiting to do…..

that person you’ve been hoping to reach (yes, the BiG ONE)

Do it NOW!!!

Your destiny awaits. You WILL be surprised. I promise. Reach out to them. No matter what it takes!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

You are bigger than you know. Take a risk today . Contact someone who seems out of your reach. What have you got to lose?

Love FAILURE up! (Hint: It’s the fastest way to WILD SUCCESS)

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Sometimes it just hurts

If you’re going for something important…

Sometimes it looks like it just won’t ever happen..THIS is the time when YOU get to say who YOU are….

It may bring you to your knees…..Sob in your sleep….Test every fiber of your body.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

You WILL get the next break. The clouds will part at the right time.

Keep your faith … it’s what sets you apart.

And NEVER stop!

Love the process up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If the cup isn’t empty – you simply can’t get anything in

I was in a BIG and very important (to our company) meeting today.

About 20 minutes into the meeting, the woman I was talking to checked her phone, rolled her eyes, sighed in disgust and said – “My neighbor!”

I was in the middle of setting up the conversation we were about to have about how to work together.

I stopped.

I asked her what was happening. She started the story. She has been battling her neighbor for years – is even considering moving to a new home to be away from this person.

I kept asking friendly questions until it was all out……all that SHE wanted to say. Then, she was calm and re-focused.

If I’d let that moment go – she would have only had her attention 20% with me.

As it was, we’re moving forward!!!!!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Be alert! What do THEY have their focus on? Unlikely it’s you for very long at any given time. I’m just sayin’

If they’ve got something on their mind – your message won’t get through!

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If you’re not experiencing sheer, stomach-lurching terror often

then you’re not growing fast enough.

When I look at my goals and my promises….it seems like I will have no way of ever keeping my disciplines in place. The budget, the nutrition plan, the investment plan, the number of calls I will make.

When I look at the people I have to call on next and the risks I have to take with my business – when I simply don’t know HOW I will do it.

My jaw clenches up, my knuckles go white on the steering wheel, my stomach churns, my tongue gets glued to the ceiling of my mouth.

And then I say, “Pass” and think the new thoughts that need to be thunk. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you’re right.”

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can……

And then I do! The world is a magical place if you’re willing to scare yourself silly!

Love your life up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl