I run into people who positively suffer in their jobs, or with their health, or with certain relationships. Perhaps you can relate to that yourself.
I want you to think about one of those parts of YOUR life right now.
Do you have it?
I’m about to tell you something you are not going to like, but stick with me – it will make sense and give you new freedom. I promise!
Imagine that it really IS OK with you that this part of your life is exactly the way it is – RIGHT NOW.
I bet you a million dollars that the reason you are upset about this part of your life is because someone else, at some point, made you feel that it SHOULD be a different way. And so now you’re stuck with the suffering because it is not as it SHOULD be.
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Perhaps you just really really really wish YOUR body was the perfect type, or YOUR work style was the perfect way to achieve success, or YOUR opinion about your family members was the socially acceptable one. So, you could love it the way it is now.
It wasn’t YOU that really wanted it to be different.
Here’s how I know this is true.

There are things in your life that you have taken a “DO WHATEVER IT TAKES” attitude and it has worked.
For me, when I was a child, I was DETERMINED to be the person who could stand on hot asphalt in the summer in bare feet longer than anyone else. And I did WHATEVER IT TOOK to earn that distinction. (I know, a crazy goal, but there you go.)
When I grew up, I was DETERMINED to get a job in marketing after school even though all of my professors said that NEVER happened right out of undergrad and especially with my grades (I had failed out of my freshman year). But, I did WHATEVER IT TOOK to make sure I got that job. So, while most of my high-grade-getting college friends were waiting tables, I held a marketing position with a major brand.
Today, I am DETERMINED to have a magical, intimate, juicy, relationship with my husband and I do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make sure we do! (BONUS: He does too.)
But, it’s not like that in every area for me.
Is my house as clean as it should be? No.
Am I as successful in my business as I know I can be? No.
Does my body look exactly the way I think it could? No.
But, I have to get STRAIGHT with myself that I am simply not brining ALL of myself to these areas.
You have done this, too.
If you have children, I promise you have at some point had a “DO WHATEVER IT TAKES” attitude about something that concerns them. Either, they are picked up on time from school. Or they are going to get in to see THAT doctor. Or, they are going to have 3 square meals every day.
And, I bet you’ve been like this at a number of things.
So, now, go back and look at that area where you are suffering.
Are you bringing a “DO WHATEVER IT TAKES” attitude to it?
Can you live with it the way that it is? Even learn to embrace it?
If, yes. Then, congratulations, you can now focus on the things that are TRULY important to you and give up the suffering.
If, no. If it really IS important that this area be different. If it is unacceptable for the way it is to be the end of the story in that area, then let’s GET CRACKIN’ and dust off your WHATEVER IT TAKES attitude in that area.
Either way, you no longer get to complain. Because now you know that you could make it different!
You are amazing.
Love your life UP!
The Irreverent Sales Girl
BONUS OPPORTUNITY: Post a comment that tells me what you are NOW going to do in that area!
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