Dear Irreverent Sales Girl – What is the most rewarding aspect of the sales profession?

Dear Irreverent Sales Girl - What is the most rewarding aspect of the sales profession? I got this question today from a dear and generous Jesse:

Dear Irreverent Sales Girl:

“What is the most rewarding aspect of the sales profession for you, Irreverent Sales Girl?”

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Dear Jesse,

I laughed out loud for quite some time when I read your question. I will make this an article on my blog.

The most rewarding aspect? Just one?

First, you should know that I hate sales! (hee hee) It’s got a bad rap. Imagine the cocktail party…”What do you do?” …”I am a salesperson”…Watch them shift uncomfortably, look for the door, and get the *Blank* out of there!

Yet, it is MUCH more honest than “I am an Entrepreneur”, which sounds good, but makes me want to throw up on people.

So, more than one answer:

1)      Sales requires ALL of you. Every aspect. You can never all-the-way win – so you never stop growing. Terribly uncomfortable. Terribly rewarding.

2)      Unlimited income potential.

3)      Autonomy.

4)      I like being accountable for my company’s success, without having to run a company.

5)      When it works, I connect with amazing people.

6)      I am only as good as my last sale. The re-set button happens as soon as the deal is closed. GAME ON!

7)      Finding out how good and how terrible I am – all at the same time.

8)      Finding out how selfish and how generous I am – all at the same time.

9)      It is always a new day.

10)   It feeds my mental illness – I MUST BE THE BEST – UGH!


What about you? What  is the most rewarding aspect of the sales profession for you, Jesse?  (Comments welcome – not ONLY from Jesse!)

Love it ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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