Category Archives: Goals

Achieve your goals!

The more conversations you have, the more discouraged you will become…

The more conversations you haveAs we all now know, protecting our mental space is PARAMOUNT! It is the single best thing we can do for ourselves, whether we are “sales professionals” or anything else. Becoming discouraged can become dangerous and even fatal to our most dearly-held dreams.


If we want to be wildly successful and a crazy important INFLUENCER (which I’m betting you do, if you are reading this), we must have many, many, many conversations. With many, many, many people.

The trap we fall into is that we only talk to the people we think will be receptive. We judge by their demeanor, or their background, or their title who might be the most receptive audience.

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This is ONE WAY of protecting our mental space: Only talk with people who will not ignore you, say ‘no’, or not disagree.

That is not what is going to get us where we want to go!

Wildly successful people cannot afford to “play it safe”.

The Antidote?


Whether you are in sales and you are committed to blowing your quota out of the water, or if you are trying to get a new project going in your community, or interested in making a change in the way your family gets along with each other – you are going to have to have conversations that are uncomfortable, risky, and not always rewarding.

When you have your VISION squarely in front of you and it resonates in your soul – or simply drives you to excellence from sheer desire to WIN – THAT is when you can start to move the needle on how effective you are.


Let’s get a little bit obvious and trite here for a moment, but just to prove a grand point. Then, we will bring it back to YOUR success.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a vision,  a dream. While his dream and his stand is VERY popular now – and we revere the man – you have got to remember that this man was COMPLETELY OUT OF HIS GOURD when he first started.

Nearly every conversation he had was risky and unpopular…at first. Then, it began to take hold.

Can you EVEN IMAGINE how many unpopular conversations he had to have with people? He was risking HIS livelihood and asking others to do the same.

But, know what? THEY DID! And sometimes at great cost to them and their families.


Your goals are probably not as dangerous as Dr. King’s. (And if they are, I salute you! Go, Go, Go, GO, GO!)

But, they are lofty. Ideas and dreams and goals have a very short shelf life. They must be moved forward and they must gain momentum and this requires lots and lots of conversations.


So, if you want to be number 1 in sales, you have got to get great at having conversations. The more conversations you have, the better you will get at having them be effective the first time. But, you will not start there. And you will not finish there, either.

Every pro, in any field has started out by having conversations that did not work. They learned, they modified, they clarified. But, they could only learn, modify, and clarify by HAVING the conversations. They did not work them out in their heads.

Every pro, in any field, CONTINUES to have conversations that do not work. Some of us call these COLD CALLS. Others call it networking.

Do you know that TRUE PROS do NOT resist COLD CALLING? They KNOW that is where the action is and where their future lies. More about that later. (Your competition may know this, too.)

Here is what it looks like to be great at having conversations.

Be someone who has lots of them. Period.

It does NOT mean that your conversations will turn out the way you planned. It means that you are someone who is WILLING to have lots of conversations.

AND… Back to the title of the post!

The more conversations you have, the more discouraged you will become…

…if you are attached to them all turning out OK.

The reality is, if you can manage your mental space and be OK no matter HOW the conversation goes…


And, that is all!

Know that I admire your courage and dedication to whatever it takes.

Love ALL the conversations UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When they don’t respond!

Sometimes you will reach out to people and they will not respond.

I want you to remember three things:

1) Every now and then, you will not connect with people where they are now. They WANT to get back to you, but you are not front-burner. Keep connecting. Unabashedly. It takes 7 contacts to get a response. Don’t stop at the first.

2) It normally takes 7 – 10 meaningful touches to connect with your person. Don’t give up after the first touch.

3) People are busy and want messages that will help them deal with what THEY are dealing with today. You will never be able to predict what they are dealing with today, so rely on the 7-10 touch rule.

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OOOPS! I promised THREE THINGS, but they all boil down to one thing. 7 – 10 touches is the key!

Keep playing – especially if YOU are convinced you have a good solution.

Those who ONLY play the “low-hanging fruit” are destined for a life of desperation.

Play the BIG game.

Love ’em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales GirlWhen they don't respond

Who’s driving the train, anyway?

Just because you are not the one talking, does not mean you are not guiding the sale!

In fact, it is USUALLY just the OPPOSITE! Guiding the Sale - Who's Driving the Train?

Today a magical and truly wonderful thing happened!

I was in a meeting with an SVP of a Fortune 100 company…and MAN was HE talking. He was so enthusiastic about his company… he was so proud of the work they were doing an new opportunities on the horizon. He loves the brand. He told me everything from the way the founders started out in the Depression…all the way up to the new (and – shall we say – controversial?) CEO they have.

He talked. And he talked. And he talked.


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I listened to every word as if it were gold — which it turns out — every word was.

When he finally got around to asking me details about what I do and what my company offers, I had everything I needed to know to tell him how we could help. And he had said everything he needed to say, so there wasn’t anything in the background distracting him.

I told (short) stories back about how are companies’ philosophies and directions were aligned.


Know what he said next?

“Send me the contract. We need to get this going right away.”

Guess what I did! I STOPPED SELLING!

I said, “GREAT! Will you be signing it?”

– yes –

Then, I thanked him for his business. Asked him if there was anything else he needed. Said our pleasantries and ske-daddled.

He did the talking. I drove the train. I won the business.  FUN!

Love the talkers UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

People are either amazing or they suck!

And mostly it depends on how I THINK about them! People are either amazing or they suck

When I take a call from someone who is a pain. They become a pain.

When I take a call from someone who is great — and they are working through concerns that are important to them. They become great people who are dealing with real concerns.

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When I take a call from someone I love. They become someone I love even more.

Can you get the common denominator?

How I THINK about someone is who they become. Period.

Look for yourself. Where are you pre-assigning how a person is based on how YOU THINK about them? Can you CHANGE the way you think about them? (HINT: The answer is either “Yes” or “It’s worth a shot”)

This is not a woo-woo conversation. This is your bottom line. This is your profitability.

If you THINK people are great, they will become great for you, and MUCH more likely to do business with you.

Love the way you THINK UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

You will NEVER change, but…

you can grow!

Loved this article from Jen Kim at Psychology Today:

It reminds me. I struggle all the time with things that I’m s’posed to be. Don’t YOU? And it just gets in my way. When I let myself just swing out and be me…the world pays attention! Pretense is dropped. Connections are made. (And I close hella more deals!)

What happens when you STOP TRYING TO CHANGE and you just allow yourself to grow instead? You will never change, but...

What would happen to your sales if you just took yourself as you are and delighted your customers?

What would happen to your family if you just swung out and be’d (yes, be’d is now a word) yourself?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Imagine the Ferrari that is driving down the street wishing it could just be that solid family car, the Volvo. Ridiculous, right? (Example stolen from The Landmark Forum). While the Volvo is wishing it could be the sexy, sleek, and sought-after ride that the Ferrrari is! HI-larious!

As Marie Forleo says, “Keep going for your dreams because the world needs the gift that ONLY YOU HAVE!” (

Love yourself UP!  (And the world will, too!)

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Hidden Mysteries Week – The Formula for Wealth

I’m just finishing Dan Brown’s book The Lost Symbol. What a page turner!Hidden Mysteries Week - via Dan Brown and The Lost Symbol

As expected, this tale includes Dan’s crazy and potent method of story-telling: Page Turning Thrilling Events, Secret Societies, Government Conspiracies, Near Death Impossible Situations, Symbology, to name a few.

And, as always, Hidden Secrets in Plain Sight

I am not sure that Dan meant to hide the secret of true wealth in plain sight in this book, but I think he did a phenomenal job.

We are privy to a compelling scene; one where a wealthy and powerful man, Peter Solomon, is passing a substantial portion of the family fortune to his newly-minted eighteen-year-son. The family passes inheritances at the BEGINNING of life since they intend the gift to be a seed…a seed for the young person “to nurture, make grow, and use to help nourish mankind”.

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As he hands his son his “birthright”, he worries – [paraphrase] – “Wealth in the hands of a wise man will be a blessing to the world. Wealth in the hands of a foolish man will destroy him.” (This is NOT the secret, we ALL know that).

Then, Peter passes along the formula for TRUE WEALTH

Peter then speaks the true legacy of his extraordinary family to his son, Zachary. As he passes the portfolio he clarifies:  “The aim is that you use this money to build a life of productivity, prosperity, and philanthropy.”

This phrase struck a longing inside of me

“Gee, I wish I had that kind of wealth.” And then it occurred to me. Maybe Peter has laid out a FORMULA by which you obtain extraordinary wealth!?


So, I started mapping it out

This week, we will be exploring the pathway to success that becomes illuminated by this hidden formula, which we will explore in three ways:

First, we will explore the progression P →P→P→W

Then, we will discuss P + P + P = W

And finally, we will consider that, really, P3 = W

Any ideas where this conversation is going? What do YOU see?

More tomorrow!

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The seduction technique…an age-old winner!

Are you more attracted to that woman you can’t get, the one who makes it seem like it’s all available The seduction age-old winner! to you, but you’re not sure you’re up to the challenge? Or are you interested in the woman who STALKS you? (Fill in gender as it makes sense for your situation!)

People want what INTRIGUES them!

And they run away from things that chase them.

Find a way to attract your customer!

Very few of us have a product that we are not willing to sell to just anyone who’s willing to buy it. Fair enough. But, I invite you to think a little bit differently.

Where does your product or service become available to only the “exclusive” ones?

I have a very good friend who is a wildly successful representative of a Brand-Name investment group.

When she sells her product like any old investor can come work with her, she grinds it out and doesn’t get many interesting and cool clients.

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When she positions herself as if “Are you the kind of investor we would take? Worthy of our services?” business sky-rockets.

Take a look. How can you make YOUR customers feel like they are in the pool with the “cool kids”? Figuring this out is your ticket to unquestionable wealth.

When you DO get the “cool kids” to sign on, make sure you service the hell out of them and let them know that they are the “in-crowd”. They will be references for you like crazy.

CAVEAT: To do this strategy well, you must be three things:

1) The best at what you do
2) Relentless in delivering an experience once someone has climbed on board
3) Make sure your “cool kids” stay the “cool kids”. Keep reminding them that they are in THAT game!

Ready to seduce? I promise you, it is much more effective than chasing.

(Remember prom?)

Love your “cool kids” UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse!

If you're not getting better, you're getting worse! Sadly, as much as we’d like to believe it….there is no such thing as STATUS QUO.

You are either improving, or you are not keeping up!

Make getting better a fun game, play it like a kid on the playground. It’s a game, but play it like your life depends on it! That’s where the miracles open up.

If you think you’ve made it, you’re cooked!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love your growth UP! 

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Guard your systems like your success depends on it!

Guard your systems like your success depends on it! Because it does!

The story of how a broken vacuum cleaner single-handedly wrecked my garage

Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? But it’s the solid gold truth.

I worked for days, slaved really to get my garage in pristine order – so that we could park both cars within the warm caverns during the bracing cold and ice of the winter-time.

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There was a place for everything and everything in it’s place

The system 

Every single-dingle time I took something from the garage, I replaced it EXACTLY where it belonged. Every single-dingle time I put something new into the garage, I found a new place for it to go that was orderly and obvious.

IT WAS WORKING. Both cars hummed smoothly and efficiently into the garage. We could find anything we wanted at a moment’s notice.

Then, the Vacuum! 

In a hurry one day, I was cleaning out a closet and found our vacuum cleaner that hadn’t worked in years. I wasn’t sure if I was going to toss it, donate it, or get it fixed. So, what did I do?

You may have guessed. I put it in the garage! Just set it there, right in the middle.


The garage suddenly became the old and cluttered place it had become. Seemed like it happened overnight.

One car squeezes into our garage now and it is a monumental effort to find anything. The vacuum is gone, but the legacy it left behind remains.

A System is Powerful, but it is also FRAGILE

The vacuum cleaner debacle is EXACTLY how our lives work.

If you are Stephen King, you keep your system. You sit down and write your appropriated words every single-dingle day. It is the difference between being someone whose tomes occupy an entire section of my book shelf and being, well, whatever else he would have been.

It is the difference between an Olympic Athlete and a  Weekend Warrior.

Wanna be great? Wanna meet your goals? Put a system in place and guard it like everything depends on it. It does. One slip and it can be a monumental effort to restore the discipline and the results. No slip equals monumental results.

Love your systems UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Do you have your goals…or do your goals have YOU?

Goals are a curious thiDo you have your goals...or do your goals HAVE YOU? ng

Where do they come from? Who said they were the right goals? Why do I see meeting my quota as a goal and running a marathon as not a goal? How did that get wired?

Why “goals” anyway?

Seems like we’re supposed to have goals, right? But, have we even examined why we have the goals we do? Have you? How do they serve you? DO they serve you?

The ATTAINABLE goals…the goals with the glory!

Somehow, the goals that I have achieved in my life – yes, even EXCEEDED – with wild and flying colors – seem to have PICKED ME!

It’s like a secret, strong, and silent voice urged me to GO FOR that one thing. And it was EASY to commit, even felt natural. It does NOT MEAN they were easy to achieve, but I had the heart – the gusto – the “over-my-dead-body” about them.

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I’m wondering…

Am I setting the goals I think I “should” set?

Am I setting goals because setting goals is the right thing to do?

Or, am I paying attention to that inner pull? Maybe “my purpose”?

So, I’ve learned to trust the goals that HAVE ME!

They wake me up early in the morning. They drive me. They take me to the places that I want to go.

Can we take a moment and give ourselves over to the things that HAVE US?

Instead of the things that we “think” we should have?

Just a thought!

Love your goals UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl