This article is nearly 3 years old, but it is an all-time favorite!
Wow! Did I have SOME FUN this week!
I was doing my cold calls. (Ugh, you think, COLD CALLS – So do I, by the way!)
But, I am always looking for creative ways to make my cold calls instantly WARM (like throwing them in the Microwave for thirty seconds – DING!)
I sort of surprised myself with this one.
Before I made one of my calls, I checked my contact out on LinkedIn.
Guess what!
My key prospect contact is directly related to one of my rabid fans!
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So, what did I do?
I reached out to my rabid fan BY PHONE – (PLEASE stop hiding behind emails. It SO doesn’t work – it makes you feel like you’ve actually done something. You haven’t.)
I told her — “Carol, I am reaching out to ABC Company and I see you are directly related to Amanda who I’d really like to talk with.”
Carol called me right back!
She was so excited! She said “Yes! Amanda SHOULD be talking with you. In fact, her boss is even better. I am going to call them and make an introduction personally.”
Then, came the surprise – Carol went one better
Carol went on to tell me all about what the company was dealing with and why they needed to talk with me so badly.
Then, she said, “After you talk with them, call me right back. I will follow up and make sure they know why they should buy. Besides, you should be talking with Amanda’s boss – who happens to love me.”
Here’s something EVEN cooler.
Carol is a prospect!
She hasn’t even bought our product yet. But, she was so tickled to get my request for her help that she told me that she had committed to buy and mapped out her own company’s budgeting process.
Carol and I are now partners!
What a win!
If you could have ALL of your cold calls simmer like this, wouldn’t you LOVE doing them?
Tell me about YOUR awesome-sauce strategies. I want to hear. Perhaps I will feature you in my cold-calling boot camps!
Love your life UP!
The Irreverent Sales Girl